Perfumes Are A Good Gift

Good Gift

You probably ask yourself why you should choose perfume as a present if you can buy virtually anything. Well, there are many worthy reasons why perfumes are a great gift. First, fragrances are versatile. You can apply them on your skin or clothes, add freshness to bedding, and even enhance a special microclimate at home with their help. Secondly, aroma always evokes emotions. Finally, perfume is a way to show your care and affection. Odor will be sensed all day long meaning that a person who received it will think about you ceaselessly.

Last but not least. Fragrances are special. After all, we don’t buy perfumes every day. Beautifully packaged, in an elegant bottle, the spot-on scent will let your other half understand that he or she holds a special place in your heart.

Perfume is a Personal Gift

Can you give perfume to everyone? Probably not. Fragrance is not just a scent; it is rather the “breath” of the body, an invisible yet incredibly strong halo that leaves an indelible impression. Perfumes are a personal, practically intimate present that should be given only to dear friends and beloved ones. They will become the best gifts for couples in love, your best friend, your work-buddy or even to gift your favorite employees on your corporate retreat. Also, don’t associate perfumes for ladies only- guys also love to get pampered.

Good Gift

Each one of us is unique. We all have our own habits, preferences and tastes. In fact, we even perceive smells in our own different ways. Someone enjoys the delicate smell of freshly cut grass, another is crazy about the invigorating aroma of citrus fruits, and others cannot imagine their lives without vibrant floral whiffs. There are millions of scents, blends, and combinations out there, and each of them has its own army of fans. Before you give someone a perfume, you should try and understand their individuality, learn what they like, find out their secret desires. Only in this way your gift will strike the right note. But if you give fragrance at your own sweet will, it may end up being a major disappointment.

Why do we give gifts to people we care about? To please our beloved ones, show our feelings, and make them a bit more tangible. A gift is worthy only if it considers the personality and tastes of a person it is intended for. Think about it this way - would you like to receive the first thing from a supermarket shelf as a gift? Will such a present be cherished and appreciated? Or would you like your friend or darling to put more effort into the gift? The answer to this is surely ‘yes’. So, before handing a fragrance in a beautiful bottle, take a moment and think about the person whom you are planning to gift: does this perfume truly reflect how well you know this person?

Hidden Meanings Behind the Odor

To make a perfume a meaningful gift, you should carefully choose it. To get started, find out why a person you care about likes this particular scent. Maybe it awakens some cherished memories from the past or associations with people who left a mark in their lives. Or maybe this smell calms and pacifies or vice versa, invigorates and inspires to conquer the world. Perhaps this fragrance is an opportunity, at least for a minute, to break out of everyday life, let go of bad thoughts, and get the desired peace of mind. When you get to understand why your dear person likes this smell, you can get one step closer to comprehending his or her inner self.

Good Gift

Perfume is an important part of a person’s image but, unlike clothes and accessories, there are no labels on the smell. Yes, there are scents that everyone knows, such as the legendary Chanel No. 5, but often we don’t know where this smell came from or who created it. If you know the favorite fragrance of your beloved one, making a wonderful gift is not that hard. However, if you

have no clue about it, then choosing a present will become a real adventure. You can ask their friends, use your own powers of observation to discover which scent they gravitate to, or even try yourself as a perfume expert endeavoring to find this fragrance in a store by smell. Be that as it may, all your efforts will pay off when you notice a spark of pleasure in their eyes because your gift hit the spot.

Why Perfumes Are Good Gifts

According to biblical legend, two out of three gifts (frankincense and myrrh, to be exact) presented by the Magi to the infant Jesus, were perfumery. Generally, smells were of great importance in all world cultures, but India stands out the most. From Ayurvedic formulas, sandalwood sticks used in Hindi rituals, to marigold garlands decorating temples, India is soaked in smells. Incense and perfumes were created as a tribute to Shiva, they were gifted to the Mughal princes, and they were associated with deities (for instance, Rambha’s face “is of the fragrance of lotuses”).

Good Gift

In ancient times, natural aromatic substances were worth their weight in gold and therefore, they often became precious gifts. A graceful vessel with a tartly smelling resin handed over to a noble person showed strong respect and admiration.

Today, perfume is a luxury affordable for everyone. At the same time, this does not mean that perfume or cologne lacks significance or worth. There are many designer aromas enclosed in lavishly embellished bottles that cost tens of thousands, even millions of dollars, but this is not the case. When you give perfume, you don’t want to display how rich you are. No, the meaning of a fragrant gift is to show how dear this person is to you. After all, it is not packaging that matters, but your love and care that you put in this token.

Good Gift

Perfume is an opportunity to give new impressions, emotions, and experiences. This is a chance to make an instant journey into the world of something new and exciting. Fragrance will be a good gift even for people who rarely envelop themselves in a veil of scents. Scents can be your way to show a person what emotions and feelings he or she evokes in you. You can describe an individual so well with words or colors, but a perfume is a fresh opportunity to describe someone with a smell.

Perhaps your fragrant gift will reveal your beloved one from a new exciting perspective, unfold their secret desires, and tell them something they didn’t even realize about themselves.